Saturday, August 21, 2010

A Life Here So Far

Well, despite what we (North Americans) think, the mosquitos aren't big enough to carry us off, and with the exception of a small scorpion, and 2 nasty looking but harmless spiders (as big as your hand spread out) I haven't encountered any super bugs. Waking up each morning is fun as I have usually been nipped by one or two, but I sleep deep, there's so much oxygen in the air. The roosters start about 4, and after 6 there isn't much point in staying in bed as the heat begins to build. But all is not well as I had my prized laptop stolen, all my pics and pirated music, mortgage files and personal notes....all, the perps wripped the safe from the wall and got my passport ($150.00 and a trip to San Jose please..), my deactivated blackberry (Rogers...$1568.00 please...) my bus ticket to Panama for my 72 hour reentry to CR, my real Seiko, pics of B and S, and misc stuff...PLUS $2800.00US I had been squirreling away to bu a truck/suv!....ouch!! Visited the local equivalent of the FBI (I can't pronounce them...O-E-Hoto..) who took a statement and visited and took pics AFTER the door locks were changed and a new safe installed. This time I will fill it full of rocks and trust my "stuff" elsewhere, maybe dig a hole in the yard. Herman and Ana visited, was nice to have a little company, drinking caffeine again, and enjoyed a bunch of nice CR cigars (shop guarded by a tiny Chihuahua..."Cubee"). Doing a lot of reading, trying to blend in with the 5 foot 5 average and not dripping from the armpits Tica and Ticos, not doing a good job, but I was asked for directions...and of course it has finally sunk in that I am here for gallo pinto until December...and enjoying a less stressed sans Crackbery life. Those of you thinking about living away from your comfort zone, just do it and find that part of who you are that you have forgotten about. Miss a few like crazy, know who you are...not interested in finding a new "significant other" down here, but they are always trying, a little flattering, but sad. Going to hit the road when I get my 1988 Izusu Trooper next week, 5 speed with the crappy 2.6 Mitsubishi motor I sold at Chrysler, but seems to run OK, and at $3500.00 it was a bargain, as stuff costs 3-4 times what you're used to.
 Back to the web to work a new deal, I pray all of you back home stay,...I think the pool first!
This is a work in progress

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